

Historische Linguistik
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Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte

MEMC: Medieval English (ca600-1500) in a multilingual context

Emerging Grammars in Language Contact Situations (RUEG)


Collocations, variation, and register specificity – A study of Heritage Speakers of German (mit Nadine Zürn; ISB14, Sydney 2023)

Collocational competence of heritage speakers (mit Nadine Zürn; EUROPHRAS conference, Mailand 2023)

Collocational ties in heritage language research: The devil lies in the details (mit Nadine Zürn; DGfS-Jahrestagung, Köln 2023)

The dynamic potential of the heritage speaker lexicon: Complex verbs (mit Nadine Zürn; Fachbereichskolloquium Linguistik, Konstanz 2022)

Form and function of code-switching in a Middle English sermon (mit Annina Seiler; Online-Workshop at FunC: Functional and Cognitive Linguistics, Leuven 2021

Multilingualism in Medieval England. (Online-Gastvortrag PH Vorarlberg 2021)

"Septem signa of loue and morning": Language mixing in Amore Langueo (mit Annina Seiler; Historical English Linguistics at Zurich and Beyond 4, Zürich 2020)

Switching languages with style. (MEMC workshop on textual manifestations of multilingualism, Bristol 2019)

Wie Menschen, Tiere und Maschinen sprechen. (Vorlesung im Rahmen der Kinder-Uni Mannheim 2019). Zugehöriger Fernsehbeitrag.

Idioms and collocations in code-switching – clues to bilingual processing. (DFG-Forschergruppe Emerging Grammars in Language Contact Situations: A Comparative Approach, Workshop “Code-Switching“. Universität Mannheim. 2.–4. April 2019)

Switching the font: Traces of linguistic awareness in mixed texts. (PLM48 - Poznan Linguistic Meeting 2018, Poznan) Slides

Finiteness-marking in historical Latin-English code-switching. (ISLE5 - conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English 2018, London; ICEHL20 - International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Edinburgh) Slides

Language mixing patterns in MS Bodley 649: Clues to author and text genesis. (Understanding Multilingual Sermons of the Middle Ages: Forms, Methodologies, and Challenges. Austrian Academy of Sciences Vienna, 2018)

Von Rechten und Pflichten: Morphosyntaktische Aufgabenverteilung im klassischen Code-Switching (Gastvortrag Deutsches Seminar, Universität Zürich 2018)

Code-Switching Ubique Est: Language Identification and Part-of-Speech Tagging for Historical Mixed Text (Gastvortrag zur Ringvorlesung Digital Humanities 2018, Universität Stuttgart) (mit Sarah Schulz, IMS Stuttgart)

Zur theoretischen Modellierung struktureller Charakeristika in historischen gemischten Texten (Internationale Tagung Historisches Codeswitching mit Deutsch 2017, Heidelberg) Slides

Abstract morphology in code-switching and language change (XXXV Romanistentag 2017, Zürich) Slides

Stability and variation of inflectional morphology in medieval code-switching. (DiGS - Diachronic Generative Syntax 2017, Stellenbosch) Slides

Stability and variation of inflectional morphology in medieval code-switching. (LAGB - Linguistics Association of Great Britain, annual meeting 2017, Canterbury)

A Lion in the Night: Wie Sprachen sich verändern. (Universität Mannheim, Kinder-Uni 2017)

Morphological characteristics of medieval code-switching. (Gastvortrag, Cambridge Linguistics Forum 2017)

Creating a part-of-speech tagged and parsed corpus of historical code-switching. (PLM46 - Poznan Linguistic Meeting 2016, Posen), in Zusammenarbeit mit Sarah Schulz (Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung Stuttgart)

Beneath the surface: Abstract morphology in historical code-switching. (LAGB - Linguistics Association of Great Britain, annual meeting 2016, University of York)

Two sets of rules: Nominal inflection in macaronic sermons. (ICEHL19 - International Conference of English Historical Linguistics 2016, Essen; ISLE4 - conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English 2016, Posen)

Compositionality: Evidence from code-switching data. (EUROPHRAS conference 2016, Universität Trier) Slides

"Nomen Iesus est lux bri3t schynyng": Code-switched adjectives and adverbs in macaronic sermons. (CBDA4 - Colloque international Bisannuel sur la Diachronie de l'anglais 2015, Centre Universitaire de Troyes)

"Wild and vnrewle viuendo": Adjectives and adverbs in macaronic sermons. (Workshop on multilingualism in medieval times 2015, Universität Mannheim)

Phrasemes in bilingual speech – clues to the processing of complex lexical items. (Workshop Mehrsprachige Perspektiven 2014, Universität Mannheim)

“Es ligt mir nit am opere sed am verbo“: Grammatical morphemes in bilingual discourse. (Jahrestagung der DGfS 2014, Philipps-Universität Marburg)



Allen, Shanely, Mareike Keller, Heike Wiese & Artemis Alexiadou (eds.) (in preparation). Linguistic Dynamics in Heritage Speakers [Series: Current Issues in Bilingualism]. Language Science Press.

Wiese, Heike, Shanely Allen, Artemis Alexiadou & Mareike Keller (in preparation). Introduction: Investigating the dynamics of language contact situations. To appear in: Linguistic Dynamics in Heritage Speakers [Series: Current Issues in Bilingualism]. Language Science Press.

Keller, Mareike, Nadine Zürn, Rosemarie Tracy & Anke Lüdeling (accepted). Dynamic properties of the heritage speaker lexicon. To appear in: Shanley Allen, Mareike Keller, Heike Wiese, Artemis Alexiadou (eds.), Linguistic Dynamics in Heritage Speakers [Series: Current Issues in Bilingualism]. Language Science Press.

Keller, Mareike & Annina Seiler (2023). Let each one tell its own story: Language mixing in four copies of Amore langueo. In: Sara M. Pons-Sanz & Louise Sylvester (eds.), Medieval English in a Multilingual Context: Current Methodologies and Approaches, pp. 467-497. Palgrave Macmillan.

Keller, Mareike (2021). Developing a structural template for historical code-switching. In: Erika Glaser, Michael Prinz & Stefania Ptashnyk (Hrsg.), Historisches Codeswitching mit Deutsch, pp. 439-465. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Rezension zu Kristin Bech & Ruth Möhlig-Falke (eds.) (2019). Grammar – discourse – context: Grammar and usage in language variation and change. Berlin & Boston: de Gruyter. (In: English Language and Linguistics 26/1, 2021)

Keller, Mareike (2020). "Compositionality: Evidence from Code-Switching." In: Elisabeth Piirainen, Natalia Filatkina, Sören Stumpf, Christian Pfeiffer (eds.), Formulaic language and new data: theoretical and methodological implications, pp. 197-222. Berlin/Boston: DeGruyter Mouton. (open access)

Keller, Mareike (2020). Code-switching: unifying contemporary and diachronic perspectives. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. [= Palgrave Pivot Series]

Percillier, Michael, Keller, Mareike, Harris, Tabea, Kaltenbach, Lena & Yela Schauwecker (2018). Toolbox Anglistik IV. (online teaching resource)

Keller, Mareike (2017). Code-switched adjectives in macaronic sermons. In: Catherine Delesse and Elise Louviot (eds.). Studies in Language Variation and Change 2: Shifts and Turns in the History of English, pp. 197-216. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Keller, Mareike (2017). "Saying thus or to the same defect' - A linguistic analysis of Shakespeare's malapropisms. English Studies 98(3): 244-261. DOI: 10.1080/0013838X.2017.1283119

Schulz, Sarah & Mareike Keller (2016). Code-switching ubique est - Language Identification and Part-of-Speech Tagging for Historical Mixed Text. In: Proceedings of the 10th SIGHUM Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities.

Keller, Mareike (2014). Phraseme im bilingualen Diskurs. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang. (Review by Marc L. Louden in Zeitschrift fur Dialektologie und Linguistik 83(2), 2016)

Rezension zu Katrin Bente Karl (2012). Bilinguale Lexik: Nicht materieller lexikalischer Transfer als Folge der aktuellen russisch-deutschen Zweisprachigkeit. München: Sagner. (In: Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie 70/2, 2014.)